The Alliance for for Early Childhood Began in 1989 as a community organization to promote the healthy growth and development of children, from birth to age eight. It currently has 35 member organizations, including all of the public, private, and parochial elementary schools; all the preschools and day care centers; and many other organizations that provide services to young children in Winnetka, Northfield, and Kenilworth, Illinois.
Civic Kenilworth The Kenilworth Community Fund supports the following Kenilworth projects and initiatives: Historical Society; Village House Project; AEDs (defibrillators) for the Village; Sears School 8th Grade Play; 125th Village Anniversary Tree Planting Project.
Erika's Lighthouse Effective school-based teen depression awareness programs promoting conversations, help-seeking and empowerment — at no cost, ever.
Family Promise Chicago North Shore Helps families get back into permanent and sustainable housing and employment as quickly as possible.
Family Service Center Provides individual and family counseling as well as seminars, special sessions, education consultation and psychotherapy. Experienced therapists regularly deal with drug and alcohol abuse, marital concerns, and family issues.
Haven Youth and Family Services Located in Wilmette, Haven provides 24-hour crisis intervention, emergency housing and counseling to youth and their families. Haven helps youth and their families in crisis by offering specialized programs focused on prevention, intervention and private counseling. Haven collaborates with schools and other community agencies to counsel youth and to identify and prevent crises. Some of these programs include psycho-educational workshops, youth boards, service-learning opportunities, around the clock crisis intervention, outreach and ongoing counseling. All of Haven’s services are free of charge.
The Josselyn Center Provides outpatient therapy/counseling, psychiatric services (medication monitoring), employment services and Mental Health First Aid training. Child and teen services also include an Intensive Outpatient Program, a therapeutic summer camp for children, Teen Mental Health First Aid, and a Jr. Board.
Boy Scouts of America Troop #13, Kenilworth Offers program opportunities and new experiences to more than 100 boys.
Kenilworth Girl Scouts Offers program opportunities and new experiences to more than 175 girls. Six active troops, third through eighth grade. Almost 100% participation.
Meals on Wheels Fosters health and contributes to individual well-being and independence by delivering nutritious meals, medically prescribed diets, and providing other supportive services to the homebound, elderly, disabled and others temporarily unable to care for their nutritional needs.
National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
North Shore Senior Center North Shore Senior Center (NSSC) is headquartered in Northfield and serves and engages more than 23,000 older adults and their families each year throughout Chicago’s northern suburbs. NSSC is nationally-accredited and offers a wide array of social services, specialized care for people living with dementia, private care management, opportunities for socialization, educational and wellness programs, and volunteer opportunities. NSSC’s continuum of services provides for older adults from the most independent to those needing more support.
Northern Suburban Special Recreation Foundation Works to ensure that recreation and leisure opportunities are available for children and adults with disabilities. They accomplish this mission primarily through the Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association which hosts social, physical, outdoor day camp and special event programs, giving the same type o f experiences for disabled persons as are available through park districts and recreation departments for people without disabilities.
Our Place Supports teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives in their home community.
SamaraCare Counseling Provides counseling and educational programming for those in our community that are experiencing difficult situations that include: marital relationships, loss and grief, transition, depression, divorce, anxiety, substance abuse, family relationships and job loss. What makes Samaritan Counseling Center unique is our ability to integrate a person’s faith, if they so desire, into the healing process, treating the whole person; mind, body and spirit.
Winnetka Youth Organization Fosters individual development in junior high and high school youth in the North Shore by providing adult-to-youth mentoring, prevention services, and opportunities for leadership, citizenship, and, education within a safe, informal environment.
The Kenilworth Community Fund (previously Kenilworth United Fund) was founded in 1939 by civic-minded residents, and has remained an annual fundraising tradition every year since.
The Kenilworth Community Fund supports local non-profit organizations with services to youth, senior citizens, families, and differently able people.
Formed on August 30, 1939 by 9 men and women of Kenilworth, the Kenilworth Community Fund purposes as stated in the Articles of Incorporation were to:
(a) raise and expend funds for general social welfare work
(b) to assist in the maintenance of charitable institutions, agencies, committees, or activities operating primarily for, or contributing primarily to the welfare of the people of the Village of Kenilworth
(c) to correlate social service work in the Village of Kenilworth and to assist in the planning and execution of such work, and
(d) to contribute to the support of such other charitable institutions, agencies, committees, or activities as the corporation, through its directors, may select.
Mrs. Leon T. Ellis
Mrs. Harry A. Olin
Stanley P. Farwell
George H. Rigler
Roland D. Feltman
Thompson M. Wakeley
Mrs. Newell S. Knight
Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr.
Vernon R. Loucke
All contributions are fully tax-deductible and can me made anytime through Pay Pal.
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